Furry Pants Books

4 Girls with Furry PantsGirls with Furry Pants — my four feline family members — chose to adopt me.  In so doing, they all live in my household.  It’s endless fascination, joy, and comedy every day.  The four books in my Girls with Furry Pants series details each of their stories.  Each has her own behaviors, habits, and quirks.     

    Miracle is my oldest, 15-years-old in 2021.  Fifteen years translates to 76 Mirale's Bookhuman years.  Always the Alpha Girl, no one messes with Emmy, even though she is a four-legged senior citizen.  Confident and fearless, Miracle is de-clawed but the other girls, in an altercation, respond to her as if her punches might be lethal.  When I run the vacuum cleaner, all the girls hide out.  But not the Queen.  She sits by and watches me, making certain I do a good job.  As for her attitude toward me, Alpha Girl is the gentlest and most trusting of the Gang of Four.
There is a story behind her name.  She is a miracle.  The book, of course, will detail her story, her name, and how she came to adopt me.

TinyCat Cover      Every cat clan has a sweet & goofy member.  TinyCat is such a girl.  Her specialty is never-ending curiosity when it comes to searching every open cabinet door or drawer and sitting in or on every conceivable item in the house, including sinks and kitchen counters.  Naughty girl but, at the same time, funny and endearing.
TinyCat is no longer tiny, but that’s her name, and always will be.  She found me in 2012 when she was moved to the third animal shelter in her young life.  When I visited my local shelter, browsing dozens of feline residents, Tiny selected me when she extended her paw from the cage to touch me, which instantly sealed the kitty deal.  My Sweet Girl loves everyone and everything, including me, of course.  I have no choice but to love on her every day.

     Apparently the only survivor in her litter, this tiny feral wandered an RV park where I located my travel trailer for the fishing season in southern Oregon.   Over a period of four months, I fed and talked to this precious little girl who squeaked instead of the standard cat “meow.”
I detail Squeaky’s rescue and her integration and transition into indoor living in my book Taming Feral Cats — 10 Easy Steps.  There are not enough accolades and praises for my precious Squeaky, my purrfect little girl.

     Ever heard a cat quaQuackck?  In fact, Hoover, may actually be a clever duck disguised as a cat.  And she waddles, confirming my suspicion.  Hoover — Her Hooviness — is joy, entertainment, and sweetness.  She found me in the summer of 2012.  It was love at first sight.  Like Squeaky, Hoover’s rescue and joining of the household were first told in Taming Feral Cats — 10 Easy Steps.  This book recaps her early story and relates the wonderful day-to-day life with my fourth girl with furry pants. 

Taming Feral Cats
A plan to rescue and tame feral cats

  I have always had a pair of cats.  With my travel schedule for business and pleasure taking me from home, I never wanted a cat in my household to be lonely.  They will always have companionship.In 2012, and again in 2013, sweet feral cats found me.  In this book, I write their stories of the process and events of what it took to enable Squeaky and Hoover to join my household. 
     I had a loving plan and implemented my strategies, which worked beautifully, to bring my feline family from two to four.  Perhaps a feral kitty will find you.  Read about my successful plan to give and receive love from a precious girl or boy kitty who may find you.

     I have expanded my feral cat-taming writings to detail the specific individual plans I employed for Squeaky and Hoover.  Every cat, of course, is different in their preferences and responses to becoming integrated members of the household.  Squeaky came to me as a kitten, while Hoover found me when she was an adult cat.  My taming approach was a bit different for each.
      To order the paperback or e-book from AMAZON, click on the cover photos below to do so.

Taming Ferals Squeaky

Cover Taming Hoover