About the Cat Man

Hi, I’m Michael Gorman.  I love cats — big, small, cute and not so cute, feral, wild, and ultra friendly.  I share my household with my 4 little tiger girls.  They are my constant companions as I go about my daily activities.

And, they all have their places on my bed covers as I sleep at night.  It’s impossible to think of life without the world’s most  fascinating four-legged creatures.

In the workday world I am a Physical Activity Classes instructor at Oregon State University, where I’ve taught fly fishing classes for 30 years, and will continue to teach classes at my alma mater.
Add author, photographer, and professional fly fishing guide to my resume’.

On top of all these, I also work daily as the Chief of Staff for my girls with furry pants. You might know that dogs have masters. My cats have staff.